Temples..The Powerhouses!!

Temple, something which we consider just a place of worship or a place to find peace. That’s it??? Temples like Kailasa temple of Ellora caves took about 135 years if assumed to be constructed by humans. Some temples took three to four generations of various dynasties to be finished.  Do you think our ancestors have constructed such huge temples with magnificent architecture only for worship or finding peace? Not at all. Then??

You’ll get to know here!!

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There is an age old  practice of going to temples round the globe and specifically in India. When our parents say or advice us to go to a temple on a certain occasion, we will find every reason to avoid it. We cannot say every one but most of us.

Do you know  that the temples are constructed in a scientific way to ensure the even distribution of positive energy? Yes the temples are the powerhouses.

What is the real truth when someone says, “my prayers have come true”?

What is the constant force that drives some people to visit temples very often?

Why the temples are to be constructed in a specific way? Why not the other way?

These are the questions which  constantly trouble many people. So here are few answers for these questions.


What we know generally is that a temple is a place of worship probably to God. But I found that temples are not only a place of worship but much more beyond it.

Temple is a place of  gathering.

Temple is a place of art.

Temple is a place of education.

Temple is a place of energy.

Temple is a place of storing the most important information related to a community or a race though it is not meant for it.

Recently we have found a huge treasure in the temple of anantha padmanabha swamy.

Temple is a mini cosmos

And according to some theories temples were used as a place of communication in ancient days using telepathy.

No wonder some temples even work in unaccordance with the laws of physics. So let’s find out what is the science behind temples.


Basic structure of an Orthodox Indian temple:

There is a common plan based on which an Indian temple is constructed. However with time there have been some changes in Dravida style(south) and Nagara style(north) but without altering the principles of Aagamashastra. Here is the basic plan.

Temple is constructed according to highly precise mathematical measurements and with such materials and in such a place which completely makes it a mini cosmos. All the principles which drive the human life Dharma Artha Kama & Moksha are represented here. Temples play a major role in festival gatherings of a community.

Place of construction

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A temple cannot be constructed anywhere according to the temple science. There are certain places on earth where there is highest radiation of positive energy(earth’s magnetic radiation) where the temples are to be constructed. The question now arises is that how do any one determine these high energy points? I think with time, the technology used for determining these places is lost and that is why we find temples in every nook and corner now-a-days. But if we concentrate a little more we can see that most of the temples are constructed on the hilly areas an they may be those high energy points.

Place of diety or mula vigraha:

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The main deity which is worshipped is placed exactly on this high energy point. Most common thing which can be observed is that most of the temples have their deities placed on a copper plate. It is because copper is a good conductor of energy and it is believed that it absorbs the positive energy from the ground and amplifies it. The metals such as copper and gold have special importance in the temple science. Also the main deities are mostly made of a five metal alloy(Gold, Silver,Copper, Zinc & Iron). Sometimes instead of zinc, tin or lead is also used. Though we find deities made of rock but they are with their own properties. The main deity is decorated with gold as much as possible and also with other materials. Gold also has the same properties as that of  copper with respect to energy. The deity is decorate with fragrant flowers and the utensils used for worship and Aarti all of them together makes the devotee feel a divine aura.The idol also serves as a point of focus to the devotees. There is no deity unless you create for yourselves.

The vedas do not give importance to the the form of deity but to the material of the deity responsible for amplifying and radiating the positive energy and to the engineering which ensures energy amplification and radiation.

Garbha griha:

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It is the chamber which surrounds the main deity. Usually the construction of a temple is done assuming the position of the main deity. The garbha griha(sanctum sanctorum) is closed on all the three sides and is open only on one side facing the entrance so that maximum amount of energy is radiated towards the the immediate people who step in to the temple. That is why the elders ask us to stand for sometime and pray in front of the deity for absorbing sufficient energy responsible for purifying the mind and enlightening the spirit.


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Then followed by moving around the sanctum sanctorum in the clockwise direction to absorb the remaining energy radiating around it.




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The Garbha griha is not illuminated with lights usually instead, they use the deepa(fire) lit by sesame seed oil or camphor. After praying to god one should see this fire which enlightens the sight sense.




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The temple bell is highly famous for it’s unique sound and its echo which resonates for about 7 seconds. It is also made of metals like zinc cadmium mercury  lead copper etc in sufficient proportions to produce a distinct sound that can create unity between right and left parts of the brain.

No footwear inside the temple:

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People advice us to walk bare foot in the premises of the temple so that our feet are in contact with the ground so as to absorb the energy from it since feet are the only part that is physically in contact with the temple.

Sit for sometime in the temple:

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People also advice us not just to go and come back from temple but to sit for a sufficient time. It is because a temple is a miniature cosmos which enables meditation effortlessly. Thus temples are the power houses which act as charging spots for the people so that all their day goes in a smooth fashion.


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According to certain theories by highly yogic people, temples enables the spiritually enlightened people to communicate using telepathy. That is these people when they are in the premises of temple can communicate with the people sitting in other temples just by speaking within themselves.

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The dhwajasthambha which is high enough is attributed to be the transmitter of signals and which may be the reason for construction of temples on hilly areas of high altitudes.

Thus temples are the places which purify the soul and with deep awareness  when we pray.. yes our prayers come true!!

That sense of awareness happens when we visit such temples regularly and that is the force which drives some people frequently visit temples.


Temple is a place of concentrated positive energy and not a mere place of worship.  When people  visit an ancient temple they should ensure that they follow the procedures accordingly with utmost devotion and respect for the temple so that they enlighten themselves and charge themselves.

Temple is a tool.

A tool which  makes spiritual enlightenment easier for us!!

A Temple does not belong to any religion. If it does, it is no more a temple!!!

– praneeth chidura



6 thoughts on “Temples..The Powerhouses!!”

  1. This is so beautiful and it inspired me..,few points are so beautiful that I read them thrice.Great work Praneeth👍☺️I gotta know extra things about the temple and it’s location✌️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Devisri!!
      Indian temples are too great. What I wrote was a brief description of it. And yes if we pray with our heart in deep awareness and enlightenment our prayers come true!!


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